As the development of the drug discovery, the focus of compound library construction has shifted from library size to chemical relevance, biological relevance, and most recently, to functional relevance. Whereas the physicochemical properties of the compounds, the absence of compounds containing toxic or reactive moieties, and lead- or drug likeness are important factors when compiling screening libraries. It will greatly enhance the success rate in any drug-discovery programme by screening the right set of compounds (libraries).
ALL Chemistry Inc. provides disease-based libraries towards certain diseases, including cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc. All libraries are designed with Ligand-based and Receptor-based approach, which are proposed for screening in disease-associated research and drug development projects. Evident suggests that the quality of the compound collection is crucial for success. All ALL-Chemistry Inc.’s products are delivered with a complete analytical data package, including full spectroscopic analysis and COAs, as well as specified chemical purity by NMR, HPLC, MS and elemental analysis. The libraries offer compounds in various screening formats (Pre-dissolved DMSO Solution or Solid, 96/384-well, etc.). Kinds of libraries are in stock and ready to ship.
Here below are some disease-based libraries:
In addition, ALL Chemistry Inc. offers researchers other related Libraries as below:
Besides, ALL Chemistry Inc. offers customized compound library service from compound library creation, storage, to management. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] to get more information.